Where does a being turn, when there is no previous voyage log on this path? The only wisdom one knows is experienced behavior, a record of habits your personal genetic coding your DNA. I can only believe what I have experienced and in my 35 years of life I trust to believe my self-respect I am honored to report that I have walked down the negative power cord so that I may share with my children to carry the current with the neutral positive energy. Life has given each and everyone of us a chance, it beliefs in us so much that it actually gave us a shot as being consciousness and have the ability to chose the path we travel. We have forgotten how to live we live life internally instead of external but fulling it from the depths of our hearts driven by our neuron highway. Life is simple you treat others as you would treat yourself.

Murder of Creativity

One day in a casket I will be. That’s just a resting place for the physical me. You can’t stop what I am meant to be. Immortal I am as my existence is a infinit energy. Dead my power will spread only further. One day you will pay for this murder.

– Jasko Topalovic

Lifes’ Parallel Dimensions

I see life trough different portals, my dementia is me travailing trough parallel dimensions. And this day and age we have invented a machine to observe such dimensions and we named it quantum computing. Don’t allow machinery to diminish what life have blessed upon thee. Everything is an illusion as such make it a beautiful and honorable one.


Don’t be so sure of anything every second life delivers an experience that may alter every believe system we have. We theorize until we have a fact but a fact is only a fact until new evidence disproof’s the fact. There is much speculation what the purpose of life is yet it seems that life has evolved by chance due to a chaotic mixture of substances which evolved into cells carrying the code of life and by that evolving to keep life flowing and growing. I am by no means a man with an education or degree in the scientific fields of study; I am merely a curious life form of being interested in its beginning. My love for understanding life and where it comes from has me constantly reading and researching on galaxies and planets alike as I mentioned before I’m by no means a Professional to theorize on any of this but it appears to me that life has existed long before earth was even a star I believe that there is traces of life traveling through the universe moving from planet to plant until it found the perfect place to create the perfect planet to evolve into every life form we know of today. My true and honest believe is that we are life’s greatest achievement our only fault is our assumption to know the truth to our life’s genetic code and existence. We have become beings of ignorance full of believes that are backed by facts of the limited knowledge we posses. Many professionals we elected to lead us and broaden our minds are the ones doing everything in their power to numb our minds. Instead of allowing us to evolve and grow we are taught to ask fewer questions and ignore our natural abilities. Each one of us is in the exact position of this universe where we are meant to be as we have chosen to evolve only by that much. Information is all around us we just have to have the will and discipline to accept life as a chance to improve and it is our duty if we want to continue our existence to learn and pass on our experiences of achievements to the next of kin. As Socrates said “the only thing I am sure of is that I know nothing.”

Image credit to @francestaylor.yt


You are a beautiful composition 

Life is a genetic code let’s not be one of the earths forgotten orphans. We are more we are a composite in Gods’ form why should we fear anything. No need to fear we just need to educate our-self more. After all; things are beautiful described as impossible. And; Impossible is – im•pos•si•ble the word to define the matter of ignorant knowledge on a subject requiring a deeper understanding.
